Frequently Asked Questions


What are your cookies made out of? +

Our cookies are made from a secret recipe using all natural ingredients, with a mixture of vanilla, flour, sesame, butter, sugar and eggs.

How long will the cookies last? +

Our cookies are guarenteed to last for up to 3 months. To keep them as fresh as possible, please place the cookies in a moisture-free location.

I want to purchase your cookies in bulk, and customize the message. Can I do this? +

Yes! We welcome custom orders. Please place an order online (in-store pickup ONLY), or call us at (415) 806-8243. Custom orders come in increments of 50 or 100, with the ability to customize up to 5 messages. For more information including timing and pick-up, please give us a call at (415) 806-8243.

Do you accept returns, exchanges or order cancellations? +

We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. Please carefully review your custom message for typos, grammar. We are not responsible for proofreading your custom message. If you make a mistake on your order, we are required to pay fees on the cancellation and you will be charged.

When I visit, can I create my own fortune? +

Yes! Please visit our shop and create your own fortune within minutes!

To make arrangements for a private group or tour, please give us a call at (415) 806-8243.

Do you deliver outside of California? +

We do! Please call us to arrange for an out-of-state delivery, (415) 806-8243. Please note we are not responsible for the timing of packages that are shipped from our store. Please contact us if you have any issues with your shipment.

Do you offer gift certificates? +

Yes! Please visit our store at 56 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94133 to arrange an in-person pickup, or call us at (415) 806-8243.

I'm with the media and want to visit - who do I contact? +

To make arrangements for a press tour or television shoot, please call Kevin Chan at (415) 806-8243.